Why can't I reset a learners password?

  • Updated

As a result of digital security compliance requirements, the Reset Password option is currently only available to learners' accounts that do not have an email address linked with their profile.

How do you know if an account does not have a confirmed email address?

The option to reset a learners' password will be available for a manager on the Learner Details page.

How do you know if an account has been linked to an email address? 

Learners who have an email address linked to their accounts will have the option to reset their own passwords. The How to reset your password help article will guide them through the steps.

The option to reset a learners' password will not be available on the Learner Details page.

If the learners forget which email address they have linked to their accounts, you may confirm this on the Learner Details page for the learners as shown above. 


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